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A search for 'Cars 2' gave the following results:

14 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in label numbers
  1. Carosello CARSM 124-2
    Madre Teresa

198 matches in tracks
  1. 50 Cars (02:57)
    from Gone In Sixty Seconds
  2. B2 Since You're Gone (03:30)
    from Last American Virgin, The
    The Cars
  3. Cars (00:50)
    from Seuls
  4. For the Cars (01:31)
    from Gone In Sixty Seconds
  5. Cars (05:01)
    from Crazy People
  6. You Might Think (00:00)
    from Good Luck Chuck
    The Cars
  7. It's All I Can Do (03:45)
    from Wedding Singer, The
    The Cars
  8. Two cars only (02:27)
    from Stuntman
  9. Two cars only (01:42)
    from Stuntman
  10. For the Cars (01:31)
    from Gone In Sixty Seconds
  11. Two cars only (02:01)
    from Stuntman
  12. Since You're Gone - The Cars (00:00)
    from Last American Virgin, The
  13. Two Cars Only (02:02)
    from Stuntman
  14. Two Cars Only (01:44)
    from Stuntman
  15. 50 Cars (02:57)
    from Gone In Sixty Seconds
  16. Theme Of The Cars (01:14)
    from Passager De La Pluie, Le
  17. 2nd Day Photography of Cars (M-39) (00:46)
    from Shinkansen Daibakuha
  18. Police Cars (02:14)
    from Rampage
  19. No More Cars, No More Jobs (01:41)
    from Made In Dagenham
  20. Stunt Cars (04:03)
    from Squadra Antigangsters
Show all 198 matching tracks